The year 2015 has come to an end. Many of us probably have a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2016. We make promises to change certain things in our lives – usually, for the better. But have you ever thought about making New Year’s resolutions for your car?
Since the average American spends an average of 38 hours a year traveling in his or her car, it’s time to think about how to take better care for your car.
Following are five best New Year’s resolutions that you can do to keep your vehicle in good running condition throughout the year:
1. I will check my tires regularly
Many vehicle owners and drivers check their tires only when something bad happens to them. You need to check your tires regularly especially during major weather changes (e.g. sudden drop of temperatures during winter). Driving with under-inflated tires can decrease the life of your tires and increase your fuel consumption. You also need to check your tire tread regularly. Doing this can help prevent accidents. Check your tires at least once a month.
2. I will check my oil regularly and change it on time
Completing an oil change every 3,000 miles used to be standard practice. However, due to improved oil formulas and lower emission fuels, this is no longer required. Your vehicle’s engine will run efficiently if you change your oil on time. If you don’t, parts of your engine may wear away. Just check with the car manufacturer or your car’s manual to see how often you need to change the oil.
3. I will make sure that my wipers and windshield are always in good condition
Just like tires, wipers are often neglected by car owners until they break, or something bad happens. First of all, your windshield should always be clean, especially during winter. You can use alcohol to clean your windshield. This can remove all the oil residue from the road. You can also use a clean rag with some vinegar to help loosen residue on your windshield. The inside surface of your windshield should also be regularly cleaned. Use glass cleaners that contain vinegar to remove the film from smoke and other substances that tend to build up on the inside surface of your windshield over time.
Watch out for signs that you need to change your wipers:
• When the rubber is cracked, torn or discolored.
• When the blades make noise while being used.
• When the wipers leave part of the windshield uncleaned.
• When the wiper smears or skips instead of wipes the windshield clean.
• When there is corrosion on any part of the wiper.
4. I will pay attention to the warning lights on my dashboard
Your dashboard lights were placed there to warn you that something is wrong with your vehicle. Do not ignore these lights. In fact, check your vehicle’s manual and try to study what each light means. Doing this may help you avoid accidents and/or large and costly repairs.
5. I will drive carefully and save on fuel
Speeding is dangerous and illegal. It can also increase your fuel consumption by 35% and increase your chances of becoming involved in an accident – drastically. Slow down and plan your routes ahead of time to lower your fuel consumption and your vehicle’s emissions. Be safe. Follow all traffic rules and avoid getting into trouble with the police.
On top of these 5 resolutions, you can add one more: I will have my vehicle checked by expert auto specialists who will ensure that my car is in good running condition.
Visit Dallas European Auto today. We are a fully-certified auto repair shop, specializing in taking care of some of the finest domestic and foreign automobiles in the world.
We take a lot of pride in providing top-notch, highly-personalized service to all our customers. Our auto experts will not offer services you don’t need, and we never give outrageous prices. We always make sure that our customers are informed about the entire process including labor costs from diagnosis to repair.
Call us at 214-504-1528 today, to schedule an appointment.