Imagine that you’re driving down the road on a perfect summer day. All of a sudden, your car starts making a weird sound, sputters and then dies, leaving you stranded on the shoulder. Luckily, you’re not too far from Dallas European Auto, so you call roadside assistance and have your car towed here.
What if you’d been in the middle of nowhere, though? Or, if it had been the middle of the night? Here, we’ll discuss some common sense tips you can use to prevent something like this from happening.
What Causes Cars To Overheat?
Did you know that the outside of your engine block can get as hot as 400 degrees? If this is the case, can you imagine how hot it is on the inside?
The good news is that, under normal circumstances, your car’s cooling system passes liquid coolant through the engine block and heads, which helps maintain a safe, constant temperature. If the cooling system isn’t functioning properly, though, you could see the temperature quickly spike.
This can be caused by myriad factors, including a leak or block in your cooling system, using the incorrect coolant, a worn out thermostat, radiator, or water pump, a loose or broken belt, and much more.
The problem is that you often don’t know there’s a problem with your car until it suddenly starts overheating. Is there any maintenance you can do to prevent your car from overheating? We’ll talk more about this next.
What To Do If Your Car Starts Overheating
Here are some dos and don’ts that can keep you safe when trying to cool your engine back down to safe operating temperatures.
If your car begins overheating, the best thing to do is wait until it’s safe to pull off the road, turn off the engine, and pop open the hood. If necessary, be sure to call roadside assistance, as well as a friend or family member to let them know what’s going on.
In the meantime, allow plenty of time for the engine to cool down before attempting to remove the radiator cap. Once you’re able, try refilling the radiator with antifreeze (if you’re short on coolant, water should work fine temporarily). At the same time, you can check your hoses for leaks or blockages.
Whether you get your car back up and running on your own, or need to have it towed to Dallas European Auto, preventing your car from overheating is often as simple as changing your oil regularly and always making sure your coolant is topped off. While you’re changing your oil, this is a good time to check all your hoses for leaks and make sure your car’s in good working order, before it’s too late and you end up stranded on the side of the road.
How To Prevent Your Car From Overheating
As we mentioned above, preventative maintenance is often the key to preventing your car from overheating. However, just like there are dozens (perhaps even hundreds) of different factors that can cause your car to overheat, there are just as many ways of preventing it.
Again, always make sure your car is in good working order by keeping fluids topped off and ensuring everything—at least the parts you can see—is functioning properly. This certainly includes the hoses, belts, and coolant levels we’ve already talked about, in addition to cooling fans, radiator switches, and more.
The good news is that if you’re not sure where to look, the friendly professionals at Dallas European Auto will be happy to assist. Whether you’re worried about your car overheating or have experienced it several times and need a repair, we’ll be more than happy to get you back behind the wheel!